histo Jumbo
For 3D reconstruction it is imperative not
to loose a single section (M. J. F. Blumer
et al., Journal of Neuroscience Methods
120, pp. 11 – 16, 2002).
The large Jumbo boat as well as the
adhesive (Pattex compact by Henkel)
applied to the upper side of the sample
block increase the distinct advantages of
our histo knives.
They allow:
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easy production of section ribbons (0.5 – 2 µm) |
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no section loss |
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no folding |
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the same orientation of all sections |
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easy collection of section ribbons |
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multiple ribbons on one glass slide |
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perfect for immuno-histo-chemistry. |
Eye of A. peroni: photographic sequence of some
semithin sections of a complete serie through the eye.
L = lens; RE = retina.
Michael J. F. Blumer, Institut für Zoologie,
Universität Wien.
Reprinted from: Ribbons of semithin sections:
an advanced method with a new type of diamond
knife. Journal of Neuroscience Methods 120,
pp. 11 - 16, 2002, with permission from Elsevier.